Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Office of Public Safety
Fire and Rescue Department
Fire Code Enforcement Division
Fire Code Permit Application

Type of Permit Requested:
Will this permit be needed:

If a Fire Protection System (i.e., detection, alarm, suppression, and/or reporting system) is present in the area of the activity for which the permit is being requested a Fire Protection System Outage may also be required in addition to the permit. If a fire protection system outage is required, the request for approval shall be initiated with the Authority’s Utilities Services Division. Additionally, notification of the Fire Code Enforcement Division must occur whenever any Fire Protection System is removed from service. Failure to coordinate with the Utilities Services Division for a Fire Protection System Outage and to make notification to the Fire Code Enforcement Division will void a permit.

Is there a Fire Protection System impairment required?

Upon review of this application, you will be contacted by a Fire Inspector to complete the permit process.